

MOBILIST’s research looks to support the listing of pioneering products. We produce analysis on alternative structures and high-potential markets and identify solutions to the barriers that prevent products from listing on public markets today. We also generate learning and evidence on the wider market infrastructure, including data infrastructure, required to facilitate replication and scaling of MOBILIST-supported products over time.

MOBILIST Blueprints for listing

A flagship UK government programme, Mobilising Institutional Capital Through Listed Product Structures (MOBILIST) supports investment solutions that help deliver the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the climate transition. MOBILIST competitively sources and selects dedicated emerging and frontier market investment products.

Through its research and policy activities MOBILIST strives to create an enabling environment for the proliferation of new listed products. This Blueprint to Listing report is designed to provide prospective issuers with clear and practical guidance on what is required to put together and list specific product structures.

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Research Note: Guarantees for Sustainable Development

This MOBILIST Research Note on Guarantees explores their potential for private capital mobilisation. It explains how guarantees work, why they remain underutilised, and how development finance actors can contribute to a renewed expansion of guarantees for sustainable development.

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Latest research and data


Research Note: Financing Africa’s Energy Transition through the Public Markets

MOBILIST-sponsored technical assistance, in collaboration with Revego Fund Managers and delivered by Wood Mackenzie, shows that the total addressable market for sub-Saharan Africa’s (SSA) renewable energy transition could reach US $193 billion over the period 2023-2031, with indicative internal rates of return for new built utility-scale assets in the region of 15-21%.

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Research Report: Financing Sustainable Development and International Climate Commitments through Public Markets

This report by MOBILIST, in collaboration with the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3) and the Global Infrastructure (GI) Hub, considers how public markets can help mobilise private capital to close the climate finance gap in Brazil and other emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs).

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Research Note: Guarantees for Sustainable Development

This MOBILIST Research Note on Guarantees explores their potential for private capital mobilisation. It explains how guarantees work, why they remain underutilised, and how development finance actors can contribute to a renewed expansion of guarantees for sustainable development.

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Research Note: Securitisation for Sustainable Development

This MOBILIST Research Note on Securitisation shares insights from our investment an infrastructure asset-backed securities vehicle, the benefits of securitisation for both borrowers and investors and the different ways development finance actors can accelerate the use of securitisation for sustainable development.

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Development Finance through Public Markets: Originate-to-Demonstrate

Public market mobilisation has the potential to catalyse far greater capital flows than is typically possible through traditional private market development finance. This MOBILIST research paper discusses how, by investing and exiting through public markets, official sector actors can attract large-scale institutional co-investors, accelerate capital velocity, generate demonstration effects, and have systemic impact by triggering domestic capital market development.

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Market Indices For Sustainable Development

MOBILIST research explores the role of market indices as a key factor in shaping and limiting capital flows to developing countries and the need for a new suite of development indices that target those markets where capital is most needed.

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Liquidity in Equity Markets: Its Sources & Significance in Developing Economies

Liquid equity exchanges offer extensive benefits for investors and policymakers in developing markets. This MOBILIST research report focuses on the impor­tance of liquidity and practical considerations in building liquid public equity markets in a developing country for the benefit of not only investors but also the broader economy.

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Financial Regulation and Capital Flows to EMDEs

Financial regulation within advanced economies is a key driver of capital flows to emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs). This study examines a number of regulatory policy issues labelled “regulatory frictions” where developed country or global regulations may adversely affect economic and financial developments in EMDEs.

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Resetting the ESG Investment Paradigm to Support Emerging Markets & Developing Economies

The mainstreaming of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations is
increasingly shaping the flow of capital to and among emerging markets and
developing economies (EMDEs). This study assesses the nature and extent of this
influence and documents how EMDEs are responding to shape the ESG paradigm to
their specific objectives and market context.

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Listed Product Structures for Sustainable Development in Emerging and Frontier Economies

Research showcasing the commercially viable listed product structures that MOBILIST has identified to date, which hold promise for allocators in accessing the emerging and frontier markets.

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Drivers of Investment Flows to Emerging and Frontier Markets

Intellidex presents findings from interviews with more than 50 market participants, analysing their latest emerging and frontier market allocation strategies.

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MOBILIST Research Strategy

MOBILIST is embarking on an ambitious research agenda. This document overviews MOBILIST’s approach to producing knowledge outputs and how the evidence seeks to spur and respond to the dynamic policy and investment landscape that it operates within.

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MOBILIST – The Exit Mobilisation Opportunity in Africa

‘Exit-mobilisation’ refers to the process through which a public sector owned development finance institution (DFI) exits an investment by selling its holding to commercial investors.

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